Report To My Office!


di VMFA-333 Association - Report To My Office!

By: Mike Sexton

Well, this isn’t a Trip Trey story but it’s a good one.

I was sitting in my office at VMFAT 203 Cherry Point as the MCO and the Sgt Maj called and said he had a Gunny he wanted to send to Maintenance Control. I said send him down. He came down and introduced himself as Gunny Tippett. I said you look familiar, and we went thru the process of where you were. Here or there and we didn’t figure out where we knew each other.

But I went home and started looking thru my cruise books and no luck. The last one I looked at was my boot camp book and guess what. Bingo Cpl Tippett. He was the one that use to beat the shit out of us.

Well, the next day I told the Gunny to come in my office, so he came in like a normal Gunny. I told him to get his ass out and come back in correctly. So, he did it half ass and again I told him to get out and try it again and I better hear Leather pop. My Master Guns was about to bust wide open, but the gunny came back in and reported as ordered and I heard leather pop.

I said Gunny you sure you don’t remember me, and he said no he can’t recall. I had that platoon book behind my back. While he was standing at attention, I will never forget this I laid the book in front of him, and he looked down at his picture and then looked up at me and said in a mumble “ah fuck”. Top just busted out in laughter.

Trip-Trey, Mike Sexton, Gunny Tippett, Master Guns, Cherry Point, Gunny, Maintenance Control, MCO, DI

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  • VMFA-333 Association
    115 Great Circle Road
    Apt. 474
    Nashville, TN, 37228