I Need a Tire


car lift 2

By: Mauro Iasparri

I can remember a time. The person I am going to mention may remember this. It was definitely in his younger days of I guess his hobby of Power Lifting.

In Iwakuni I bought a 1974 Datsun B210 with the steering wheel on the right side for $450.00. Great little car took me and a few Marines all over the place while there, Hiroshima and many restaurants up in the mountains. A friend of mine from back in Beaufort , from VMFA-312 was stationed there and had a Japanese girlfriend he lived out in town with, she took us all over the place.. Anyway to the story …

One day I came to get in the car and it had a flat tire... well, there was a spare but there was no jack… Here comes this fellow squadron Marine, as I mentioned power lifter enthusiasts, sees there is a flat and no jack and says don’t worry I got this and proceeds to get behind the car and friggin lifts it up by the bumper so I could change the flat tire. Before lifting it of course we loosened all the lugs. Hope he remembers..

That Marine was none other than Mike Sexton. Heck, I may, have the location and country wrong and the car may have been a 1974 TR6 but Mike did lift it up so I could change the tire.

Mike Sexton, Iwakuni, Japan, Jack, Tire, Mauro Iasparri

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